It was 2016, I was 26 years old. I had just gone through a major life-shittery period that stretched from 23 to the present year (and would get much worse from there). In this period, I had a mental...
A combo of my notes and research from the web, ala figuring shit out a few years ago.
Patterns: Generally, some demonstration that I’m not a bad person - I’m not doing anything or I’m being directly helpful/cooperative. Leads...
Bittles from my internet research, found in my personal docs.
Vulnerable narcissists traits
Introverted and high in neuroticism
Not forgiving
Constant negativity, broadly
No compromise/healing
Feeling hated at all times
Non-productive arguments, nothing can be said to help, arguing to cause pain, ability to argue...
More note-taking bits, found during exploration of my records from 2021.
Narcissistic mothers
Self-centered Entitlement Admiration
Shame, hypersensitive, resentful = covert
Can a narc mother cause a narc daughter? Getting too little gratification can lead to creating it for yourself. Boom.
4 styles...
Blurbs from past research, dug out from 2021's google docs. Enjoy
Narcissist statements
Need to give compliment, “not bad, but I bet that’s the only thing they can do well.” Minimizes their talent to get more admiration for themselves. “They’re okay,...