Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins

Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins We’ve been talking Self instead of Trauma Brain over here for a few weeks. Why that’s such an important, very dissimilar, “operating center” to be directing your actions and assessments from.  As far as demonstration of concept goes… I don’t know if I could come up with a better one than the organic example that just cropped up over here, leading to this episode being researched and written. Because, you know this guy is behind the scenes, typing away at all different OTHER trauma trends going on in my silly life. One of which, has been this relationship issue I find myself in. In particular… How we rarely have equal, non-reparenting, non-obligatory-til-death, relationships… As described through this recent experience I’ve been feeling trapped in and reactively annoyed about.  Try and try as I did, I couldn’t see it any differently. And that. Right there. Is what I’m talking about. I spent two posts writing about the common trauma trends that formed this relationship I’m in....
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