Psychosomatic Illness Prediction: Confessions of Neptune Tracking

This past week I wrote, spoke, and videoed about a consta-obstacle in my life - psychosomatic illness. I discussed the many reasons why psychosomatic illness often occurs and some tips about getting off one's own fucking ass when it happen. Hard learned lessons from my times spent in an ailing hell that I wish I had been stumbled upon sooner. In fact, I wish I had found any public language around psychosomatic illness in those first several years of medical and self gaslighting. Which is why it seemed like a worthy way to spend my final few days of perpetual nausea. But to my own uncredit, what I didn't discuss was... One of the biggest reasons for my psychosomatic illness, the way that I can predict when it's coming, and how I can utilize that down time for the most transformative means rather than solo wallowing in front of Netflix. Plus. I've never mentioned in a public way that in...
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The family beard joins the circus

I recently wrote a post about all of the things that I realized about my trauma Journey throughout the making of Traumatized Motherfuckers. Namely, the fact that the obvious traumas I had experienced early in life and then repeated with new relationships in my twenties were not actually the most impactful events and relationships that I've had. It's easy to focus on the big, hulking, screaming aggression in your life. It's easy to reason that this is not acceptable or healthy behavior. It's a lot harder to come to terms with the fact that your “good parent” imparted insidious abuse lessons that have marred your existence, all along, unnoticed.  In fact, as I reported in that recent post, I would say now that my covertly abusive mother has had a larger negative effect on my mental health than my openly violent father did. But another thing that I've been struggling with throughout the making of this trauma research project has been trying to...
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