One Scrambling View: “It’s about you” | Return to FilOb pt III

One Scrambling View: “It’s about you” | Return to FilOb pt III Okay Fuckers. Welcome to a short episode today. Rather than giving you ALL the information like last time(s), we’re keeping this short and simple. For good reason. Because it’s dense enough in the conversations it can catalyze for each of us, individually, to inspire several weeks of inner work.  We’re coming in today and leaving you with one single thought on FIlial Obligation. From an Eastern perspective. From the Confucian belief system.  To say that my previously demonstrated attitude towards Filial Obligation in the context of this population of people is generally “pissy” and “exhausted” is an understatement. My basic instinct is “we come from dangerous people who were too self-absorbed in their untreated illness to be very positive influences or wells of care in our lives…… but we’re supposed to handle them with kid gloves for their entire lives, crescendoing in elder age, which they’ve had entire lifetimes to prepare themselves for? Bitch, you nuts.” But, I also acknowledge, it’s never this...
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Yer Subconscious Narratives on Filial Obligation | FilOb Revisited pt II

Yer Subconscious Narratives on Filial Obligation | FilOb Revisited pt II So, Fuckers, we’re here to keep talking about Filial Obligation; the Philosophy and Morality of.  And let’s talk rationale.  WHY? Why drudge up these bitter thoughts? What’s the purpose of this conversation about the thing we all feel frustratingly out of control of? Well… a lot of it goes back to the Guilt vs Shame conversation from the end of last year. And the prevalence of unknown, previously, societally-injected narratives that we carry in our SUB-C which drives those emotional events.  We KNOW from prior research that filial obligation is linked to feelings of anxiety, depression, incapacity, helplessness, and entrapment. And this often eventually leads to suicidality.  We realize that engaging with our families in any prolonged or meaningful way is the destruction of our own psyches, and everything spirals out from there.  We’re certain that these people are damaging to be around and always have been.  AND YET. So many of us find ourselves embroiled in the “do I or don’t I,” “what would a good person...
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Filial Obligation Revisited pt 1: Upsetting Eastern Perspectives

Filial Obligation Revisited pt 1: Upsetting Eastern Perspectives The Eastern Perspective  If you read the little bloggy post I put out on MLK day… well, thanks for the extra effort you put in, first of all. I truly have learned not to expect that people will READ, and I appreciate the work that goes into it.  Second of all, let’s revisit that idea as we move into our next - highly related - one.  We learned from our prior article on Narcissus, trapped in time, that Vulnerable Narcissism is intertwined with a negative past time orientation in which the sufferer ruminates on early traumatic events and generally shitty happenings.  From the events, they have low esteem, they socially withdraw, they turn up the dial on their alchemization of sadness into anger, and they become hostile to the point of antagonism.  Folks in their trauma throes - or, PTSD - sound a lot like this. And those of us who have gone through our own trauma battles often say “we have parts that we...
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{TW} Entrapment/Defeat, Negative Self-Appraisal, and Suicidality | Obligated Relationships Pt. II

{TW} Entrapment/Defeat, Negative Self-Appraisal, and Suicidality | Obligated Relationships Pt. II Okay my friends, very glad to be back and back on this topic today.  But also… Bear with me, as we’re going to take our material from last week, make a bit of a leap, and streeeetch it into a new conversation.  So, to keep in line with what we’ve been talking about, I’m going to say that we’re looking at the link between unfulfilling, obligatory-defined, exhausting, relationships that seem to be going a whole lot of nowhere… and our PTSD propensity for negative self-appraisal, comorbid depression, and suicidality when we feel like we have no other choice.  But, in reality, this conversation is applicable to our post-traumatic experiences, across the board. What we’re covering here today is NOT necessarily about relationships. At all. That’s just the direction I’m taking it in, in the context of what started this series… which was me trying to write about feeling stuck in a particular interpersonal dynamic and noticing that I’m being a reactive, catastrophizing, overly-enmeshed...
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Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins

Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins We’ve been talking Self instead of Trauma Brain over here for a few weeks. Why that’s such an important, very dissimilar, “operating center” to be directing your actions and assessments from.  As far as demonstration of concept goes… I don’t know if I could come up with a better one than the organic example that just cropped up over here, leading to this episode being researched and written. Because, you know this guy is behind the scenes, typing away at all different OTHER trauma trends going on in my silly life. One of which, has been this relationship issue I find myself in. In particular… How we rarely have equal, non-reparenting, non-obligatory-til-death, relationships… As described through this recent experience I’ve been feeling trapped in and reactively annoyed about.  Try and try as I did, I couldn’t see it any differently. And that. Right there. Is what I’m talking about. I spent two posts writing about the common trauma trends that formed this relationship I’m in....
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